Revitalize Subscription

How It Works

Subscription Sign-Up: Begin by signing up for our Balance Subscription through our website. Upon subscription, you will receive a confirmation email from Keystone Wellness Group, welcoming you to our community of wellness seekers.

Schedule Your Free Scheduling and Strategy Session: Following your subscription, you will receive an email invitation for a complimentary 30-minute scheduling and strategy session with one of our experienced therapists. During this session, you'll have the opportunity to:

Schedule Your Sessions: Choose convenient dates and times for your therapy sessions, ensuring they align with your schedule and preferences.

Identify Focus Areas: Discuss your goals, concerns, and areas of focus for your future therapy sessions, allowing us to tailor our support to your unique needs and objectives.

Review Subscription Guidelines: Our therapist will outline the guidelines and parameters of your subscription, including our rescheduling policy, preferred provider/therapist options, and subscription expectations. This ensures clarity and transparency regarding the terms of your subscription, empowering you to make informed decisions about your wellness journey.

Confirmation and Session Booking: Following your scheduling and strategy session, you'll receive confirmation of your scheduled therapy sessions and any additional details discussed during your session. You're now ready to embark on your journey towards greater balance and well-being with Keystone Wellness Group.

Cost: $60 per month

Who Might Benefit:

Our Revitalize Subscription is crafted for individuals and families seeking a transformative and impactful approach to rejuvenating their mental well-being. If you're facing significant challenges or seeking profound personal growth, our Revitalize Subscription offers a robust solution. With eight therapy sessions per year, you'll have ample opportunity to delve deep into your mental health journey and make meaningful progress towards healing and empowerment.

This subscription is particularly beneficial for:

  1. Anyone seeking significant mental wellness boost

  2. Families

  3. Individuals seeking to invest in themselves

  4. Couples needing Therapy

  5. Individuals on a Budget